Thanks to a "tweet" from my girl right here in our DMV, I found out "Rose" from the beloved "227" sitcom passed away recently. LadyBird4Jodeci linked me to a crazy fun but very impressive Blog source with some HAHlarious reads. To read more about Alaina's passing in a very fitting tribute and more, go here What Would Thembi Do?
Just So You Know
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So there ya go. Send me $49.99 if you use these instructions in your own BlogSpot. Cash, cashier's check, money order and Western Union accepted 24/7. :D
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Rest Peacefully Alaina Reed Hall
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
"Don't Quit"
Seen in Eric Wang's 'Images' CD cover 1997
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but do not quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When one might have won had one stuck it out.
Don't give up, though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out-
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worse that you must not quit.
(Author Unknown)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Releases With Katt Williams In/On Them KEEP APPEARING... has this one listed, so I'm guessing it's legit!?!?! I just don't know any more with these releases. I mean, why do we need audio CD's of DVD's already heard, owned and or seen?? When's the NEW stuff coming already. I know I'm passing on the purchase of this.
Eagerly waiting for 'Pimpadelic' to arrive, any way it can!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Cexs everyday wisdom for Success...
(Taken from Jervis' Tumblr)
1. Chasing success is like trying to squeeze a handful of water. The tighter you squeeze, the less water you get. When you chase it, your life becomes the chase, and you become a victim of always wanting more.
2. If you refuse to change your job (if you dont like it), the only sensible thing you can do is practice loving it every day.
3. Enjoy everything that happens in your life, but never make your happiness or success dependent on an attachment to any person, place, or thing.
4. The more you see yourself as what youd like to become, and act as if what you want is already there, the more youll activate those dormant forces that will collaborate to transform your dream into your reality.
5. Most people are searching for happiness outside of themselves. Thats a fundamental mistake. Happiness is something you are, and it comes from the way you think.
6. You are in a partnership with all other human beings, not a contest to be judged better than some and worse than others.
7. Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored … boredom is a choice.
8. Treat yourself and others with kindness when you eat, exercise, play, work, love, and everything else.
9. Money like health, love, happiness, and all forms of success that you want to create for yourself is the result of living purposefully. It is not a goal unto itself.
10. The opposite of courage is not so much fear as it is conformity.
11. Try viewing everyone who comes into your life as a teacher.
12. Forgiveness is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. If you cant learn to forgive, you can forget about achieving true success in your life.
13. There are limits to material growth, but there are no limits to inner enlightenment.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Happy Belated Birthday...
Yeah, on October 2 I managed, thanks to the grace of GOD, to awaken... again. Starting another year of what I hope is continued living, loving, learning... and yep... computing.
Thank you ALL who've stood the test of my time and your own!!
Any October/Libra babies out there... I'm still celebrating... til Oct 31. *laughs*
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Free Christian Music For Your CD Collection
Being a freebie queen AND a instrumental music lover, this was right down my lane. I so love when artist of the instrumental world give us their take on vocal songs, no matter which came first. *laughs* Yes, I do have an affinity for Christian music too, so don't get it twisted as I grew up in a Baptist Church under the very infamous Rev Dr. Harold A Carter Sr.
At any rate, while on Money Saving Mom's blog, I found links to two different artist giving their piano renditions of Christian music.
I'm currently listening to Dave Mincy's 'Quiet Place of Rest' as I type. AWESOME is all I can say. Go here to get your free copy, just follow the rules in his page.
Next, linked by Rebecca is Greg Howlett's 'Portraits of Hope'. No doubt in my mind I wil like this one as well. Will check it out after I finish Dave's work. Go here to get Mr. Howlett's CD for free until August 31. Again, follow the rules there too.
**Text in white is a clickable link**
Monday, August 17, 2009
Michael Delorenzo's All OVER The Net... Now
Years ago, meeting Michael Delorenzo of such classic era TV shows as the infamous 'NY Undercover' and Showtime's 'Resurrection Blvd', was not a pretty picture. People around the net stated he was difficult, hot headed and very, very private. I took that as just chat and found out for myself, it was a half truth. He is shy if anything but difficult is the wrong choice of words, at least today. He's probably unsure of how to deal with "fans"/supporters and therefore is very reluctant to be totally out there, at least I thought so. Understandable after seeing him in Baltimore many years ago for his NY Undercover promotional stop. I think I took one too many photos which lead him to ask his dreadlocked bodyguard "why does she need so many pictures"??. I did not have the site in mind much less on the net at the time. I just loved his work moreso than the man himself. And this still carries on till this day. Anyway, the pics are on my site dedicated to his work which by the way I put up a year or so after that Baltimore Car Show he attended.
Another man who has aged handsomely, Delorenzo seems to have become more net techy than he lead me to believe. Here it is 2009 and the once truly reclusive to the net veteran actor has finally launched his own website... again... finally. *laughs* There was a time when my site was the only thing going on besides NeeCee's info on her NYUndercover fan site. Delo's been "coming soon" with that website back to the NY U days. With out further ado, please head over to While you're at it, you might want to check his MySpace, Facebook and net sources as well. Is that enough Delo for you in one net life?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Adolfo Quinones - Fabulous @ Fifty+
Ms JJ linked a video featuring "Shabba-Doo" & "Boogaloo Shrimp" which then lead me to where Shabba-Doo is... NOW. The man was born Adolfo Quinones and every girl I know my age LOVED HIM!! I had a crush on everything light and bright back in the day and he was in the top 10. Watching him move was electric, no pun intended. Born May 11, per sites on the net, he has really aged gracefully like another of his time... Taimak. Quinones has a grand website to which I wonder how up-to-date it is and how his business is doing. I know from the video snippets there, he looked fabulous. Soul Train dancer, The Lockers, and of course a pioneer in the Break Dance revolution - Aldofo IS his story and history. His portfolio will live on longer than those who tried to imitate him that's for sure. Darren Hensen, of Soul Food, is one of his students in "lock" and look where his career has taken off to.
Here's a video clip (from his site) of Dick Van Dyke attempting to become a "Locker"
Also, in my digging around I found this 2008 interview on The Black Hollywood File's Blog which I hope you'll enjoy.
BTW - I still want a pic of him from back in the day. A BIG one!!
Added note - that interview was all I needed to know and more. She covered a lot of ground having said so little. Thank you for that one lady. And how could I ever forget to mention that the duo came to Maryland, Baltimore specifically on one of their tours yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaars ago. Yes, I was RIGHT there but the pics are in storage. If I ever get that album out, will post.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
S.T.I.L.L.. Magazine Interviews 'Tha Game Shifta'
Recently S.T.I.L.L. Magazine, an online Blog source, caught up with Katt Williams' Hip Hop artist 'Klutch Tha Game Shifta'. You can read about the meaning of his "name", how he feels about the music genre he's in - today and get a lil more insight to the man who "clowns" on Twitter BIG TIME!! He's on all the social sources - MySpace, Facebook, Hey Look... just kidding on that last one but you get the idea. So get at him. Don't tell him I said that. :-P
Go here to read the interview in it's entirety. While there, scroll down a few and check his label mate Xplicit Lyric for all the Michiganite's around here.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
My AACA Gear - yes, it's old like me
"Creating Postive Human Billboards in a Hood Near You!" - Founded May 14, 1991
1st pic is the abused front of the MSU Tee, 2nd pic is the sleeve, 3rd pic is the back and sleeve again. Only one sleeve had the logo.
4th pic is the hoodie with left of hood logo showing and then the last pic is right of hood with logo showing. 2 different Morgan stitching's. Can't wait to find some other stuff around these parts.
AACA - African American College Alliance
I love educating the youth of today in any manner possible - no matter the subject. So when Jervis tweeted "For Us By Us", I re-tweeted back of course because I own 1 item of the FUBU line, at least. He then asked in tweet, "u remember FUBU?" and of course I had to go all in with AACA - what do YOU know and here's where his education began of the 90's Collegiate gear that ALL HBCU's linked to just because. While educating Jervis, I also educated myself, again, to find out that AACA - African American College Alliance (<-Facebook link - click thru) is at it in 2009 with FULL SWANG!!
They've already done an Inaugural event around the President's changing of and are in the backgrounds acquiring more HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities - for those who don't know) rights... once again. DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN... where have I been since January '09 on this. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Anyhow, I'm going to look for my 90's gear and take pics to add to this post. Some are in storage like the creme colored 'Frankenstein' brown stitched zip vest along with my AACA caps. Hey, I still have them and that's what counts. My main attraction was all things Morgan State University and... still is.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
"'BLACKSummers'night" DiGiPak
The LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG awaited album is here and not only is it music but video too. "Video?!?!" you question. Yes, not only is the CD and vinyl available for purchase but there's also a 'DiGiPak'. What is it you ask? It's a 2 CD pack which contains the actual 9 track CD as well as a DVD chocked with videos. It looks JUST like the original CD but is in a thicker packaging. There's a nice fat booklet in it that has some very dark artist photos in it which make him look chocolate when he truly isn't. I'm sure there's a whole music creative ploy for this but I don't like it. Anyhow, 'DiGiPaks' are not new but they are scarce. See's advertisement of it here.
I've only skimmed through one video so far and it's coming off as a "making of..." type deal. I love Maxwell and this was a far better purchase for only two bucks more. Why? Because there's only NINE (9) songs on the entire CD. Rare for artist today as most of them try (and sometimes FAIL) to pull off music they think is great with 15 to 20 songs. I'd rather have NINE great songs of 9 than 2 to 5 of 15 tracks of ?!?!?!
So, if you picked up this DiGiPak or even Maxwell's newest release on CD, let me know. Want to read some thoughts about all things Maxwell. Let's go.
Added note - Somewhere around July 15th, 'BLACKsummers'night" ranked #1 on's Top 200. No easy feat in today's eclectic music world.
Go and hug your "Michael" by Dr. Maya Angelou
Yesterday I cried watching the Michael Jackson memorial. I cried for a
little black boy who felt the world didn't understand him. I cried for
a little black boy who spent his adulthood chasing his childhood. And I
thought about all the young black boys out there who may too feel that the world doesn't understand them. The ones who feel that the world does not
understand their baggy jeans, their swagger, their music, their anger, their struggles, their fears or the chip on their shoulder. I worry that my son, may too, one day will feel lonely in a wide, wide world.
I cried for the young children of all colors who may live their life
feeling like a misfit, feeling like no one understands their perspective, or
their soul. What a burden to carry. As a mother, I cried for Katherine Jackson because no mother should ever bury a child. Period. And I think about all the pain, tears and sleepless nights that she must have endured seeing her baby boy in inner pain, seeing him struggle with his self-esteem, and his insecurities and to know he often felt unloved even while the world loved him deeply. How does it feel to think that the unconditional love we give as mothers just isn't
enough to make our children feel whole? I wonder if she still suffers thinking, "what more could I have done?" Even moms of music legends aren't immune to mommy guilt, I suppose.
When Rev. Al Sharpton ("who always delivers one" awesome "funeral
speech") said to Michael's children, "Your daddy was not strange... It was strange what your Daddy had to deal with," I thought of all the "strange"
things of the world that my children will have to deal with.
Better yet, the things I hope they won't ever have to deal with anymore. And as a mother raising a young black boy, I feel recommitted and yet a little confused as to how to make sure my son is sure enough within himself to take on the world. Especially a "strange" one. To love himself enough to know that even when the world doesn't understand you, tries to force you into its mold or treats you unkindly, you are still beautiful, strong and Black. How do I do that?
Today, I am taking back "childhood" as an inalienable right for every
brown little one. In a world, that makes children into booty-shaking,
mini-adults long before their time, I'm reclaiming the playful, innocent,
run-around-outside, childhood as the key ingredient in raising confident adults. Second, I will not rest until my little black boy, MY Michael, knows that his broad nose is beautiful, his chocolately brown skin is beautiful, and his thick hair
is beautiful. And nothing or no one can ever take that away from him.
"Now ain't we bad? And ain't we black? And ain't we fine?"
Maya Angelou
Monday, July 20, 2009
Still Enthused With G1
And here's why:
Google Releases Small System Software Update for the T-Mobile G1
BY: Ed Hardy, Editor
PUBLISHED: 7/19/2009
Many T-Mobile G1 owners received an update to the system software on their smartphone this weekend. According to Google, Android Update 1.5 contains a "security fix", but no other details are available at this time.
Installing it is an easy and quick process, taking just a few minutes. It has no effect on the data installed on the G1.
Those who haven't had it pushed to their phones yet will have to be patient, as it will appear in the coming days.
One of Many
This small update is one of several in the pipeline, all more significant than this one.
Google is hard at work on Android 2.0 -- code-named Donut. This is expected to be released in relatively near future, and it will be at the heart of a number of smartphones released this fall.
The Android versions coming after that will be code-named Eclair and Flan. When they will be released is not yet known.
Original Article Found Here
Katt's iPhone App Goes UNCENSORED
That's right, the original iPhone app is now full of explicit language as you've heard from Katt in his many routines, live and/or DVD. iPhone users complained loudly under the original app's comment section and Apple/Katt listened. So far, 4 people rated the new version 'excellent' and 1 person 'good'. I don't know if I can link to it since the app is proprietary but if you are a REAL, TRUE Katt fan then you should know how and/or where to find this app. HintHint - iTunes!!!!
This info courtesy of a Pimp(News)Letter sent out from Katt Williams' website. Thank you very much!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
'Honey I'm Home' - Al B Sure!
In today's music, you'd be hard pressed to find a vocal artist of the R&B genre who's album you can play from start to finish with out skippage. Al B Sure's latest release does just that, for me. Although I am forever stuck on the last track, I can listen to each track and go back to days long gone. To purchase an album for my grown up self with no cursing and definitely no disrespecting is a true rarity. Also not found on this CD is the materialistic mentale, again another rarity. It's all about the romance, something very lost in the music scene today. I can see the videos off this album be moooshy, loving, warm, sensual, sexy and definitely HOT!!
I could not wait to hear the entire CD after hearing it in it's entirety while patiently waiting *cough* for Al to arrive at Kemp Mill Records on his DMV visit. (see prior post) I really wanted to tell Terrance (KMR employee) to turn the volume up... especially on my favorite track. Per his Official site, the new release went up to #16 but dropped to #49. People just have no clue what they are missing if they sleep on this album. Al said in an interview, "this is 'In Effect Mode' 2009 on steroids". Now Al, this is 'Honey I'm Home' what the music business has seriously been suffering from.
QMM put a comma in between the 2 M's. SMILES!!
I recommend picking the CD up from Hidden as I used this service and they are QUICK with the SHIP. Plus I used a code ABSLOVE-REAL to get a discount too. Hope it still works.
Added thought... I told Al when I saw him that he was my QMM. Little did I know that the CD art work has the Q word in the siding of the case. (WINK)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The DMV gets Sure with Al B!!
I received a tweet around 6AM yesterday letting me know Mr. Al B Sure! was in the DMV, the same day. Stunned... as I had JUST put a message under one of this twitpics requesting him to come here, I am HYPED!! Around 5 PM I head on over to Kemp Mill Music, an Ooooooold music source for the Iverson Mall area, and peep to see if he REALLY is going to be there. Knowledge of his appearance straight, I head into the Mall to see how different it looked since I left 26+ years ago. Wow, has it changed. Anyhow, after a shopping spree of Bubble Gum, I head on back to the store for a 6:30 guest appearance by one of my favorite men in R&B ever. 7:00 I put a tweet up wondering if they had got LOST. 7:30ish, in rolls in rolls Mr Sure and crew. A mini crowd is there but I was graced with the FIRST hug to which I near fainted. He is STILL ever gorgeous and gracious as I don't know what. You could feel the appreciation and the love.
He spoke about having re-done 'Lady in My Life" (originally done by MJ) and it being released the day before The Gloved One's untimely passing. Sadly, he never got to hear the tune. Al also vibed on where he's been, what he's been doing and what his next projects are. Looking very good at 6 feet tall and with his customary black shades, he greeted each and every person there. Gave time to talk TO them, sign anything they had while showing appreciation for vinyl & whole catalog owners and even a lady who had on a 15+ year old button. He was not about the "fan" thing as he said and he truly lived it. KMM people snuck their cameras in and posters to sign as well. I allowed all the people to go ahead of me while chatting with the 2 ladies who have his back entertained me with conversation. You can tell they too appreciate Al's supporters as they engaged in direct conversation too. I was glad to meet them and hope to keep in touch for whenever Al B comes back in the area.
So I look up and realize that I let stack #2 of the posters get away from me for Al to autograph. He looks me in the face and says "you don't need me to autograph a poster, you family now". I was floored. Sadly, he was due at club Love in DC and had to move on. I was tooo tired to even think about it as I'd been up since 4AM that morning. I thank him immensely for the time he took to come and bring 2 fabulous women with him as well. Hope he does not take so long to get back but... I do know how to find him and call him out... AGAIN!! *laughs* I did take a pic with him but I'm really shy about putting it or any other pics of me online. Terribly shy about that. Know this though... it was a awesome 2 hour visit that made my weekend. Much hugs to Terrance of KMM who kept me laughing, talking and walking while he worked. SMILES!!
More pics here
My CD is in route and I can't wait to get it. KMM has me anxious enough to stalk one Post Office person. *laughs* Get to Al's Official site and pick a copy as well.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Pro's & Cons About The G1
Menu/sub-menus are WONDERFUL
Ease of use is great
MicroSD card is easy to retrieve (better than the Behold)
Control buttons on main face are comfortable and flush
On board system tutorial for the keyboard was brief and to the point. Keyboard only?? (That's it?!?!)
a little big and clunky but not so bad as I have the enV99000backlighting on keyboard not bright enough (for me), esp on the right side in numbers are moreso Had Slate color front/ gray slide out keyboard, now have Black and it looks WAY better with black slide out keyboard that I never use.TeleNav didn't work any better on this Works fine after newest update
No flash or user controls on cameraTrack ball is too sensitive, actually annoying but am trying... and am succeeding. Starting to like it more now.
Pattern password for phone lock vs numeric is kinda strange NEAT!!
No font style nor size option
Battery life too short for such a powerful phone
Pros (cont'd)
Sound quality is sweet
Volume was loud enough for me music wise
Notifications (WICKED)
3 panel main screen display (WICKED)
Drag n Drop apps/icons/widgets (SWEET)
Neatness of icons
Flush operation buttons on front of phone
Near flush camera button & volume rocker
The included adapter for the proprietary headset
1 gig MicroSD included (no adapter - boo)
USB cord included
Short getting started booklet included
Downloadable user manual. (phone plus it's user manual IN the box - would have weighed a ton.
Android start-up a wee faster after Cupcake update.
Ugly android gone at start-up after Cupcake update
Shuts down FAST
Headset dual middle cord with adjuster. (NIIICE)
Cons (cont'd)
Volume a wee low with Plantronics Bluetooth headset
Back of phone has a weird feel that my Tendinitis does not like.
Keyboard you have to slide open to use. (since getting the Cupcake update, never use it... ever)
Bulky b/c of slide keyboard
Double confirmation for shut down
Gear for the G1
As with any new phone purchased now, one stand out concern is what comes in the box with said phone as well as what's available for purchase. In the box with the G1 is a 3.5 mm mini buds headset with converter for the phone, a pouch (still in plastic), wall charger (of course), a 1 gig microSD memory card and a USB cord. I read that the MyTouch, next generation of the G1, is coming with a 4 gig card. Now you say 'well what else could you possibly want?". Well in today's gadget consumed world we've become, there's LOTS more. Batteries on these micro processors are atrocious if used for ANY THING other than talking. Here's where the "gear" shop comes in. I look around T-Mo and juuuuuuuuust so happen one day prior to a B1G1 sale ending, I land on some nifty items. There's Bluetooth headsets from the top manufacturers, combo wall/usb as well as car chargers, phone cases/covers/clips/pouches/jackets/shirts/ties/pants... oh wait... Then there's clear protectors for your (finger) touch screen which I quickly decide against. For the B1G1 to be equivalent, I need to pick 2 items of nearby pricing. So I pick Bluetooth headset and car charger for the win. YAY ME!!
You would think this was over and done right? NOOOPE. I get it all home and then start thinking about the battery lasting one day with all the things but talking I'm doing on it. Yes, I am training it to cook. So, what next...?? I am not sure how I stumbled upon the Backup Pocket Charger but I am in LURVE with it. Pssst - please don't tell G1, he might get jealous. So back to T-Mo I go with the Bluetooth headset for a even exchange as it turns out. Back home with BCP and charging it up commences. As with most now-a-days gadgets, this lil thing is chargeable with the USB cord or to the wall with the adapter that came with the phone. I'll post more on this later as well as add pics of what it looks like. Let me just say this, it's like having another battery but just a little bit larger. Charge it fully, take it and the phone out for double the battery life. A MUST HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HTC's 'Dream' aka Google Phone aka G1 aka...
While visiting my Aunt (who WAS here in MD), I met the Activities Director Lisa who is very spritey, young and up with her knowledge on many things. She's very good with passing on the information just as she is with the elders in the Assisted Living facilities she's employed by. Thanks to her, I was referred to T-Mobile as a service to possibly think about. And here we are...
Now, even if the service from T-Mo sucks, the phone I'm playing with is AWESOME. It has made me have a whole new appreciation for iPhone. Ok, so I lied. JUST because iPhone is on AT&T makes the whole idea of owning one a long passed by thought. Now, don't get it misconstrued. I am aware that "unlocked" iPhones exist but at what cost? No phone on this globe is worth THAT much in terms of meeting my functional needs which are, in order:
A) I need to be able to hear it ring and out
B) I need to be able to hear in and out
C) I need to be able to text in and out
D) I need to be able to navigate to and fro
And there we have it. Now, if for some lovely reason it decides to cook me a meal, oh well... money MIGHT not be an option. But I'll be a monkey's... (well you get my point) if I am going to pay nearly a mortgage payment for the aforementioned A thru D needs to be met by a PHONE. Anyhow, the Google laced Android known as 'G1' makes me feel like I own Air Force One... sneakers or something. I've been out and not seen too many in the hands of browner skinned folks like myself. Yes, I pay attention to those things but it does not impact my decision if I REALLY want said item. It has turned heads as the "Google phone" with ooooohs and aaaaaaahhhh in tow. My nephew has one which peaked my interest back a few months when he was over for a visit.
So what makes this 'G1' so special you ask? It's onboard applications for one and for two - ?? it has crystal clear video viewing, awesome sounds, flush mounted front screen keypad controls, a smallish trackball (that does not have backlighting - booo), the 3 screen wallpaper, the animated menus and heaps of application options to install. A huge plus OVER iPhone is that the phone is not proprietary in apps. 'Market' has so much stuff for free and/or for fee, it's dizzying. I am treating this like a mini computer with download and installs to be later sometimes followed by download and uninstall. And yes, I am concerned about getting a virus, therefore I have installed protection for that. BACK VIRUS BACK I SAY!!!!!!!!!!
I do have a pro's and cons list started that I'll post here soon. The one HUGE downfall is there is ONE (1) plug for everything - 3.5mm headphones, Backup Battery Charger (get to this in next post), charging, etc. Ironically, as I post this NOW... the newer version of this phone is on pre-order ONLY today. My Touch is the slide out keyboardLESS update to this phone I rave about. See you soon with more gushing... Sad, I know.
T-Mobile, I Mean T-Mo
I've never used this communications service before until recently. Started off very mixed and then turned upward... good for them. I know, that in any business corresponding relationship, it all depends on WHOM you speak to and their knowledge on what they are presenting and/or asked to present. Patience is always top of my list but as my old GM in a reputable and very well known cosmetic retailer's distribution site said "you only get one chance to make or break an impression". So, we shall see. Anyone have some pro's and/or cons about 'T-Mo' as they are "affectionately" known by me (and others as I read), do let me know.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
AL B. SURE! "I Love It (Papi Aye Aye Aye)"
New CD is out TODAY!! He's not on "come back", he's on a UP LIFT!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Katt Williams iPhone App
When Katt does his promo for this, this comes down. Until then, "I'll wait..."
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Money Mike AKA Katt Williams AKA...
Denzel Washingson AKA A Pimp Named Slickback is on iPhones/iPods and Showtime. First up, you can get you a lil nifty iPhone/iPod Katt laced app from iTunes (where else) for a buck 99. I'm sure you know how to search iTunes and find it or you speed on over to Katt's MySpace and/or Facebook for more info.
Next up, Showtime is premiering "SHAQ AND CEDRIC "THE ENTERTAINER"'s ALL-STAR COMEDY JAM - Wednesday, June 17 at 10 PM ET/PT". Here's their lil blurb about it.
Filmed before a spirited crowd in Phoenix, AZ., the night before this year's NBA All-Star Game, The Original King of Comedy Cedric "The Entertainer" performs 30 minutes of his latest material in between comedy sets by fellow comedians Tommy Davidson ("In Living Color"); Kevin Hart ("Soul Plane"); Aries Spears ("Mad TV"); and DeRay Davis, while celebrities Shaquille O'Neal, Katt Williams and Nelly crack up in the audience. Executive produced by Shaquille O Neal, Mike Parris, Eric Rhone, Cedric "The Entertainer" and produced by Jeff Clanagan along with Codeblack Entertainment presents a Stage One / Bird and a Bear Productions and directed by Leslie Small.
Since CodeBlack is in on it, I hope they can PPV it online. Well, that's all my Kattnews for now...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Prince's Birthday
Thanks to reading Ms JJ's Blog post, it occurred that my artist for life is celebrating another year of handsomeness... I mean... life. Yes, Prince is 51 today and if you don't know, he no longer celebrates due to his Jehovah Witness life. Here's some bits of a most recent interview he allowed his good friend, Tavis Smiley, to capture. I love this man, I really do.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Things to do before you die
I, personally, got a real kick out of the post. Hope you will too. Go here to read -> Things To Do Before You Die.
Feel free to add more/other thoughts, right here.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Who picked up Katt's New DVD??
Am I the onlyiest one with it? *laughs* Well, I like it because he was in the DM part of the DMV for a good portion of it. WE GOT LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Can Minorities Be Racist?"
Reply to Brown Man Thinking's Blog post about it and do let me know your thoughts too.
Me, I've always said yes.
Reply to Ms JJ
And you know I just HAVE to add my .31 cents...
*Will the Cavs give LeBron his Pippen? Clearly, they need one more clutch player. <- who? seriously, who??
*Are you surprised they canceled Without A Trace? Ma was floored. <- I watched one ep and never looked back. Ok, I did look back at a FEW and then looked forward to never look back again. *chuckles*
*Okay, who found Slumdog Millionaire uplifting? The last scene maybe but the rest of it was kinda depressing. I guess true love can conquer all...I guess. <- now that my fav resident online diva of Blogging has seen it and review it, guess I'll finally go with ahead and do the damn movie. *laughs*
*Who still watches My Name Is Earl? Not many, it got the boot, too. <- who?? Really... WHO??
*Why did it take 9 hours to drive from StL back to Columbus? I know why -- family car trips just work out that way sometimes. < - that's insane but... I did a MD to NC and back trip w/mine w/out choking the LS out of anyone. Oh, they did tie my hands down now didn't they? Grrrrrrr...
*Why can't I not watch Man v. Food? He is killing himself and yet I can't turn away. <- I read about it and that was all that amounted to.
*WHY AM I SO GLAD THE NEW MAXWELL IS DROPPING???? Because it's been eight years between cd's. DAMN. <-YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. His tweets are funny as...... He's still cute minus ALL THAT HAIR... you agree Ms JJ??
*Okay, but why are the concert tickets for Maxwell like a million dollars? They need to come down, for real. <- O K??? I mean....
*What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you close? <- I just wanted to GROW UP. My childhood was horribly rough so I could not imagine breathing much less BEING.
*Will somebody ever shut up Rush Limbaugh? I mean, really. <- as Caribbeans would say "WHEEL & COME AGAIN" which means "rewind"... in essence
*Where is Ted Witcher of Love Jones? I've asked before -- show yourself! <- stares blankly as she doesn't know... who??
*Um...where did Van Hunt's last project Popular go? Like, release it Blue Note! <- *sneaks off to Google to see WHO, comes back and shouts* OHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAAH *laughs*
*Are you going to watch TNT's Raising the Bar? You should -- it's good. <- I don't do commercial tv. Tried to sit with Mother to ya know... blend... build a BETTER relationship... help her ease thru pain... and uhmmmm Twitter has less commercials & sounds effects *sighs*
*Why do I watch The King of Queens every day? Because it's funny, duh! <- see above response for reply to this
*Why is working for a living like a slice of hell? In my next life: Independently Wealthy Line! <- At least I know someone else out there shares the sentiment and agrees on the last line there.
*Who are you listening to these days? I can't stray from Jill Scott, Maxwell, Incubus, Radiohead and a few other staples. <- I've been listening to my friend Dubz music (no shame in my plus, I MEAN... sharing game)-
*Why do I kinda like the new Black Eyed Peas
song? Yes, that is hell freezing over. But it defrosts because I turn when what's her face starts singing. <- I really can't get into the he voice in any of their music. No why's that?!?!?!
*Do I miss blogging non-stop about how off track our political system is? Hell no. I like having this part on cruise control. I stand by my vote! <- I love your "cruise control" as we get to see a lighter side of YOU!!
*Will the Cardinals keep winning? If they stay healthy. <- WHO?
*Will the Cubs keep losing? God willing. <- WHO? As you can tell by the WHO's, I'm not into sports.
*Will you watch Jada Pinkett's show on TNT? I will. Why not? < - probably not. Commercials will probably cut up the best content, per usual
*If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? Um...see the independently wealthy line from above. <-I dunno... if I change one thing, I think I'll do more harm than good. Out of the harm came good, ya know!! ;)
*How excited are you that Entourage will be on soon? I miss my summer fix. <- WHAT??
*Will you watch True Blood if Lafayette is dead? No. <- WHAT?? WHO??
*What's your favorite color? Hhmmm...Black. <- damn color text nah work in here. Grrrrr.... PURPLE. But everyone of the entire globe knows that, ya know.
*Who do you love? just.judith. <- see, you had to go add my fav video to make this sooooooooooooooooo difficult. *laughs* In all seriousness, if I made a list... well this Blog would extend over to mine and back. You knw how much distance that amounts to.
LUV YOU MS JJ!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
WEEN is coming to the DMV (DC)
Thanks to Ms Kayla of We're A Team (straight outta my hometown of Baltimore), I've been linked up with WEEN. It stands for Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network. If you belong and/or have attended any of their events, please let me know by responding here. If you've never heard of nor attended the FREE admission workshops, then let me pass on info as to where you may do so. Feel free to forward this post to anyone else you know who needs to GROW!!
Go here - - register, create a profile (never know who's reading), and explore the site. They have loads of information pertaining to past and upcoming events as well as what they are all about. No reason for you not to get connected with all the avenues listed below!!
MySpace -
Facebook -
Twitter -
PS - Any DMV'ers reading? I'm hoping I can attend the June event once I find/see pre-registration info. Let me know if you're pre-registering too.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Liana Mendoza's Fan Club
I received a nice Fan Club package from her, Liana, which you can see most of below. I hope the guys reading will be so intrigued that you'll rush over & support her. Wait... I should stop with the "guy" thing but they know why ;) See my previous post in her.
CORRECTION - I hope EVERY ONE is intrigued enough to join her mailing list and become a newer supporter. You don't meet too many down to earth people who are "celebrated" in their own minds muchless ours. I'd take the time to reach out to her while she's still reaching out to us. Liana's intelligent, witty and genuine while continuing to take her career to the highest levels she can right now. Definitely keep her Blog on lock as she has a "Sleepy" project in the works.
Oooooooh, I did listen to a interview that she has on her YouTube channel. Here's the link to where you can hear it as well.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
My Blog Looks BLEaK!!
It's not that I haven't had anything to say, it's not time to type it. Offline has been kinda hectic as I try to spread myself all over online too. *laughs* As for Twitter, it's still fun but kinda boring too. MySpace is really boring and Facebook only looks a wee better because of Mafia Wars there. At any rate, I'm holding things down as best I can. Been to see 'Next Day Air', the movie, which was BORING. The screening had about 100 people I would say. Was in downtown Silver Spring, Maryland @ the Majestic. The seats were good and comfy which made me a lil sleepy. But who attends a film screening after a tedious day @ work?? Hey, I won a free invite and you know I can't pass up FREE.
So, I also received Katt's DVD - The Pimp Legacy (the short name) and I actually enjoyed it. Now just because it starts off in DC and he goes over to Iverson Mall which people who live in the DMV don't go to... but... I had fun with the behind-the-scenes footage. I like stuff like that and you only get it as "extras" on normal DVD's as you know. So a whole DVD of him in various settings outside of the stage, I enjoyed it loads. There's footage of him filming with Lyfe Jennings on the set of 'Hypothetically', a brief performance stint with Lil Kim, a club scene that includes Hammer, Cedric and some other celebs, plus other celeb moments that include Comedian Adele, Rapper E40, Basketballer Alonzo Mourning, (brief) Benny Blanko bit - which makes this very good for the Katt Kollection. It's a 2005ish home made product which does not have jokes you don't already know if you're an avid fan/supporter. Now... here's why you should run get it like right NOW. Steve Harvey introduces Katt during a Miami Club appearance. (GASSSSSSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPPPPPPPP) Yes, the people who put this DVD out put THAT in too and it makes you wonder WHY?? After the New Years Eve event, I don't think that will EVVVVAAAAAAAH happen again. But, who knows. So I'd pick this up if I were you. Go on over to Amazon and get it NOW!!
What else... oh Prentis is still hanging true after a) only 2 people sent him Bday wishes and b) no one sent him presents nor his Mom the drink she requested. *laughs* I picked up some purple Capris thanks to a link to join mailing list. Coupon was for $10 bills and so were the pants. YAY ME!! I managed to get some more freebies but they're gone now. Did some community service and a couple good deeds to help someone else. Missed Vince's visit to the area as his twin Vance was in ICU last week. Serious health scare which seems to be a lot better now. Yes, Doctors get ill too.
Well, I think I've said enough. If you have anything to add, jump right in.
Till next time we Blog again.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
He's accepting presents and on his behalf since HE's legal, I'd like Fuzzy Martinis.
I'm soooooo blessed to have in in my lie. He's been a BEAUTIFUL fur companion since my late 20's. He's licked tears from my face and has left war wounds on my ankles, legs, arms, face, neck, and back. Yes, he's a biter and fighter - truly no lover. But, faithful every day of his life, he awaits my arrival through the fronts doors we've had over his long life. Even when I worked overtime on grave, he was right there. I've yet to meet a human as diligently faithful as him.
From walking on my hair, to pulling the covers off to get me up to feed him or be attentive, to waiting outside the shower, to aggressively taking over my lap when any male he didn't know/like was around, to wrestling food from my hands... my lil fur kid has been a wonderful part of my life. He loves Italian food, specifically dishes with tomato sauce and he's even eaten bread pudding, greens WITH vinegar and mac n cheese.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Katt Williams Hosts Charity Basketball Event... Again
For the second year in a row, Mr. Katt Williams will bring celebrities from music, sports, TV & film together for a HUGE event that will benefit foster children in Los Angeles, California. The beneficiary, Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), aids LA foster children who are neglected, abused and/or misplaced within their system. Such attendees and participants from last year were Snoop, Omarion, Majic Earvin Johnson, Lady Rage & Lil Al B Sure. From the list I saw for this year including Lil Al B Sure, 'Lil Easy E' Wright Jr. & (retired NBA player) Gary Payton, it should be an awesome event once again. You too can be a part of the action by donating, participating and/or sponsoring. I'll leave you with a couple of links on the upcoming July game/event as there's a heap of information for you to check out.
Hip Hop Press' New Release
Official 'One Child At A Time' Celebrity Fundraising Website
'One Child At A Time' on MySpace
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Katt Williams '' Pimpin Pimpin'' Shopping Spree
The first original, unseen footage found on KattWilliamsTV YouTube Channel
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The New Yorker Profiles Katt Williams
I thought sure I'd posted this Katt Williams feature in The New Yorker but... I guess everywhere but here. Onwards, thanks to a New online registration, I was able to read the entire article and print it too. It's a semi-in-depth look into the comedian's life from both the article writer's (Kelefa Sanneh) and the comedian's eye. It details how Katt lost his 2 front teeth years ago, the B.E.T. TV disagreement and the night afterwords and much more. I found it to be about the best collected information, in text, in a long time. It feel as if Kelefa, seemingly, shadows the comedian for a few months last year up to December 2008. Katt's kinda of been low-key and this is the first positive written material since his step back from the bight light.
Trek on over to The New and register to read this entire article. Here's an audio of Kelefa breaking down some Katt for us in 'Pimp and Circumstance'. And if you're still hungry for more, Kelefa also has a video up where he analyzes Mr. Williams.
That should be enough Katt for ya for awhile, right?? *laughs*
Major thanks to The Comic's Comic for the info.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
'The Beginning Of A Pimp' on DVD
A few hours ago, the Atlanta Journal Constitutional posted new music and DVD releases. In there, one title caught my eyes... 'Katt Williams: The Pimp Legacy'. THANK YOU AJC!!!!!!!!!! At any rate, it's touted as "UNCENSORED" and I'm still trying to figure out... WHY?? Isn't everything this man does (EXCEPT WHEN AIRED ON COMEDY CENTRAL) considered "uncensored"?!?!? But I guess for the FCC, the DEA, the FBI, the ATF, the RIAA plus MADD, GLADD, SADD, and other known acronyms you might want to toss in there for good measure... well, all the bases have to be covered. In the history of this man's 18+ years of performing, "uncensored" is not and has not been in the same sentence as his name. I only have one time seeing him not cuss and that was the leopard suit appearance on a BET show. I think he still managed to say ONE lil eensy weensy cuss word. Now don't everybody beat me up, I'm just saying... he's known for his vulgarity - good, bad and and....
I know you are asking am I going to get it. @#!& yeah. (laughs)
PS - would there be a snippet out there of this... yet?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
HAHlarious Videos
Idea sparked errrrr.. stolen from Tluv's Blog, here are some videos that just give you a chuckle or few to say the very least.
And here's one from another source:
Huge Snake Slithers into Reporter's Pants on Live TV - The best home videos are here
Friday, March 27, 2009
Baby Daddy, Daddy NOT!!
(In her best Maury impersonation) ALFIE PATTEN... YOU............. ARE......................... NOT... NOT... the youngest baby daddy. NOT!!
Thanks to my good friend and knowledge source Blake, an online news source is reporting that DNA tests prove that the UK's youngest Baby Daddy, Alfie Patten, is not the youngest baby daddy after all. Forget youngest, he is NOT the sperm donor of Maisie. Seems the now 15 year old Mother of an adorable little girl has been playing with more than just 1 child it seems. Who knows, the child's father could be a 40 year old man. Sadly, the once Baby Daddy Alfie could fall in some sort of mental depression as he was all prepared to accept his responsibility - to the public this is. Can he be taken from his mother? Will said 15 year old new Mom be taken away from her mother? And the newborn??? WOW is all I have to offer.
Liana Mendoza - Personable Actress
I'm not a promoter of women too toughly as you all may can tell from prior posts here. Chalk it up to very rough beginnings in my childhood that I hope can change over time. More time...
Anyhow, I went over to Liana Mendoza's Blog because I wanted to read how a female "celebrity" posts to their supporters. I also took the liberty of commenting on one of the posts... "UHHHHH OHHH" right? No, it was not that bad actually. She commented back in sincere appreciation - via EMAIL. WHAT?? Unheard of. At any rate, not only did she personally write back but she's also taken some of my helpful advice. Ok, I know you're like "Come on Di" but no, she really is a warm person. Now this may be in part due to the fact that she's not an Oscar winning actress who will never see the light of day after said Oscar win but... she's direct right NOW and that's all that matters... NOW.
I suppose when she does get some acclaimed nominations, she'll try to run us, ok ME... over with her car while I'm on the sidewalk minding my own business... but until then... I'm linking her sites for the gentlemen that read. Wait, did I just type "gentlemen" as if no women are going to like her?!?!? Noooooooo... (whispers, wait til you see her guys. My one friend drools at the mere mention of her name) And for you ladies out there, check her out as well. No harm meant and hopefully none done.
Liana Mendoza's Official site - You'll have to forgive her for having a Blogger logo linking to her Wordpress Blog. We won't tell either company, now will we?? ;)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
When You Forget Your Name, Just Look At Your Jewelery
ONLY because I have a unique spelling on my first and middle names would I even remotely consider having them on something. Something like magnets, hats, t-shirts... but jewelery.... oh no. I really do not have them on anything now other than in written form. If I ever thought something was so ghetto, this would be it. I see celebs do it chunky style and it's still gaudy, even if it is your stage name. Did you somehow forget it and decide to diamondize it so you can just look down/around/wherever? Do you think when you're say 70, 80 or so... when Alzheimer's might set in, you'll have the chunk jewel in your ear, on your finger and/or around your neck/waist as a glittery reminder?!?!
Sorry, never understood it's necessity. I'm sure someone will give me a few of their viewpoints on this. Just be easy because I can still REMEMBER MY NAME and it doesn't begin with the letter "B".
The Black Female International Jewel Thief
Until I read a Humor Mill Magazine's article about Halle Berry playing the infamous "International Jewel Thief", I never knew SHE existed. I MAY have heard about her but I seriously do not recall it. At any rate, there is a film version in the works of the now 75 year old woman who is apparently back behind bars for... you guessed it, stealing a ring from Neiman Marcus, per THM. I'm still researching info on her as this is intriguing. Anyone else heard/ knew of her?? Let me know.
So far, here's an older article MSNBC has on her. It spans 4 pages and I'm only on #3. Have fun!!
Ok, here's "Too elegant to be a jewelry thief" as well.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Xzibit Wants 500K Followers on Twitter
Over the last few hours, Alvin Joiner AKA Xzibit had a revelation that he wanted 500K "Followers" on Twitter - the 140 character all the net rave social networking site. He's made a Blog that he'll included a tweet prize package. Read more here - 3393361&blogId=475080299.
To "follow him", go here - https://twitter. com/mrxtothaz.
Need more details, ask & I'll give the answer my best shot.